What is fasting? According to Webster’s Dictionary, a “Fast” is: “To abstain from or do without food, food and drink… wholly or partly.” Some people fast for physical reasons (fitness dieting) and some political reasons (hunger strike) but a biblical fast always...
Deuteronomy Deuteronomy is a book of covenant RENEWAL. In the form of sermons, Moses re-teaches The Law, reviews the last 40 years in the desert and previews the new life waiting for them in the Promise Land. The key to the new life would be whether or not they would...
Numbers Numbers is a book of NUMBERS. The book begins and ends with a roll call of the people of Israel. The real theme of the book is found in between these two counts… A people that WANDERS. Faith would have led to victory but instead their fear led to 40...
Leviticus Leviticus is a book about how the people of Israel should WORSHIP. It’s a balance of offerings and feasts, with the reminder that God’s provision for sinful humanity is the blood atonement. Key VersesLeviticus 17:11; 20:7–8 Key ChapterLeviticus 16 Leviticus...
Exodus Exodus is about the EXIT. It’s the story of God delivering His people from slavery. However, they will discover that the road to freedom is a rocky one when they choose not to trust and obey. Key VersesExodus 6:6; 19:5–6 Key Chapter Exodus 12–14 Exodus 12Isaiah...
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