Missionary Spotlight

Drew Grimm

We are excited to have Drew home with us in the states for a few months. He serves through Team Expansion in the Middle East. During his first couple of years abroad he has spent much of his time learning the language and culture. 

We are excited to have him join our youth group on December 8th where he will have the opportunity to share more about his work abroad and perhaps stir the minds of some of our high school students to consider cross cultural work. 

Drew is currently raising funds to help support a few areas of need. If you would like to support him financially click here, https://teamexpansion.org/drew/

Newsletter (Click to open)
Drew Grimm, serving with Team Expansion in Jordan
Stateside Schedule

Commonly Asked Questions

  • Where will you be throughout your homestay?
    • November 24th – Goshen Christian Church in Goshen, Indiana
    • December 8th – Sugar Grove Church in Goshen, Indiana
    • January 3rd to 6th – Trinity Church in Anne Arbor, Michigan
    • January 10th to 12th – Arthur, Illinois
    • January 12th to 19th – Central Maryland

*If you have still yet to see me, please do not be afraid to reach out! Feel free to respond to this email if you would like to get together!*

  • I am interested in having you share at my small group or setting up a one on one meeting, how can I contact you?
    • I would love to share what God is doing here with you one on one, or in a group setting! To set something like that up, do not be afraid send me an email, or message me on WhatsApp/Signal.
  • How can I be praying for you/the ministry during this homestay?
    • Please pray for the funds I am looking for during this homestay.
    • Prayers for smooth travel, and meaningful time with friends and family would be greatly appreciated.
    • Pray for M during these few months. Pray for a deepening of his faith, a strong community to support and encourage him, and opportunities for him and I to touch base regularly.
    • Pray for W, a local friend I have been discipling. Pray for his faith as well to grow during this time.

Note From the Financial Team

During the holiday season, donors often send extra Christmas gifts to bless our workers. If the gift is intended as a personal Christmas blessing to their family, we ask that it be sent to them directly. Any extra Christmas gifts sent through Team Expansion will be processed the same as any other donation.
Thank you so much for your generosity!

For this reason, I have included a button linked to my personal Venmo, but if you are unable to use Venmo, please feel free to send checks to:

Drew Grimm
15840 County Road 42
Goshen, Indiana 46528

*All gifts given to me directly, will go toward my car needs.*

Click HERE to Bless Me Directly Through Venmo

October 2024 Financial Report

Beginning Balance: $24,103.24
Expenses: $4,373.43
Income: $7,694.50
Ending Balance: $26,775.05

Click HERE To Partner Financially
Click here to see the detailed financial report

Highlights from the Month

  • Attending ICOM (a large missions conference) in particular was such an uplifting experience for me. Praise the Lord for all that he is up to around the globe!
  • Getting some quality time with family has been so good for my soul.
  • Recent trips to Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Central Indiana went so well! It was such a blessing to meet new faces and dive deeper with old friends.
Fundraising Update

(Above is a picture of the vehicle I am hoping to purchase in the coming year. As you read below, will you take time to consider potentially giving to this need?)

Good morning brothers and sisters! I hope this email finds you well and enjoying the change of seasons. It is hard to believe I am halfway through my first homestay! What a busy, encouraging, exciting time it has been and I cannot wait to see what is yet to come. As I have traveled across the states these past few months, I have had many questions regarding what I am in need of before moving back so I wanted to give a brief update as to how the fundraising is going, what they are for, and more specifics.

  • What Am I Fundraising For?
    • For the Language School, I am budgeting $6,000. This will cover my first year of language schooling and all expenses associated with my student visa.
      • I will be pulling these funds from the Team Expansion accounts, as I do with other ministry funds.
    • For the Vehicle, I am budgeting $20,000. When researching all my options for buying a vehicle, I have come to the conclusion that a hatchback, like the one pictured above, would be the best option for my daily needs. Due to my visa situation, I have to buy a newer vehicle (no more than five years old). In talking this through with my team and other foreigners in country, I was highly cautioned against buying used due to the chop-shop mentality of Jordanians. In other words, there is no way to know what kind of temporary fixes the previous owner has done.
      • When discussing the vehicle fund with the financial team in the home office, they encouraged me to gather the funds in my personal accounts if possible, so that I can register the car in my name. For that reason, would you prayerfully consider giving to me directly for the car fund? Above you can find my Venmo and mailing address.
  • How Much Have You Raised?
    • Over the past two months, I have seen just over $4,000 come in! Thank you so much for all of those who have given so far, as I could not do this without you!
  • What Is Still Needed?
    • I am still in need of $22,000 in one time gifts! Would you prayerfully consider giving toward these goals?

Thank you so much for your continued partnership in ministry! Much like Paul thanking the Philippians, I thank the Lord for each of you often and highly covet your prayers. May the Lord bless and keep you!

Grace and Peace


The top picture shows a snippet of ICOM as I represented Team Expansion and my ministry. It was such an encouraging time to hear how God is working in so many lives and spend time with dear friends from the home office and other fields. I found one sure fire way to attract attention to our booth was my Yoda beanie.

The bottom left picture was my attempt to help carve pumpkins with two of my cousins. It went much better than I thought it would, and definitely had a little pride on my artistic skills.

The bottom right is one of several chances I have had to share the ministry with a partnering church. It was so encouraging to reflect on what God is doing and celebrate what we have been a part of these past few years.

Prayer and Praise Update

  • Please keep praying for the situation across the river. As the devastation in Israel/Palestine continues, pray for every heart to come to know Christ.
  • Please keep praying for M, as it has been difficult to plan times to catch up recently. Pray for boldness and a faith that surpasses our understanding.
  • Please pray for my stateside stay (September 23rd to February 2nd). Prayers for all the planning, new connections, travel to ten different states, and the fundraising would be greatly appreciated.
  • Praise the Lord for continued chances to share what He is up to in the Middle East.
  • Please be praying for the funds I am raising while stateside. (I will be aiming to raise $25,975 for a car, residency, and classes through a language school).

Letter from the President

“Distance Negates Responsibility” – Really?

I’ve always been fascinated by reports on sociology experiments like those of Milgram, Asch, Sherif and others. Time and time again, especially when we can remain emotionally remote, we humans can be a very distant people. There’s a predictable “diffusion of responsibility” that occurs. “Everybody’s business becomes nobody’s business.” Guy Davenport wrote, “Distance negates responsibility.” But here’s the thing: For some reason, your favorite Team Expansion missionary decided to get involved. And when he or she did, it became personal. You decided to step up. Bless you. If it’s true that God wants every human being to have a chance to hear the Good News of the Gospel (and we believe He does), we can no longer afford the luxury of sitting back. We have to get involved. Thank you for your willingness to become part of the Team Expansion family! Thank you for making a difference!

Doug Lucas


Contact Info

Drew Grimm

To Give:
This is the best option for monthly partnership because you can set up monthly giving.

or send a check to:
Team Expansion
4112 Old Routt Road
Louisville, KY 40299

Please include my account number (1233) in the MEMO LINE. Do not write my name anywhere on the check.

Team Expansion exists to multiply disciples and churches among the unreached.

Copyright © 2024 Drew Grimm, All rights reserved.
Welcome into the fold of what God is doing in the Middle East!

Our mailing address is:

Drew’s Middle East Ministry

15840 County Road 42

Goshen, IN 46528-6942


Organizations We Support

Child Evangelism Ministries
Reaching boys and girls for Jesus is CEM’s mission.
West Goshen Elementary School | Food Pantry
Food pantry items accepted year round and service project organized periodically.

Elkhart County Jail Ministry
Holding Bible studies and mentoring men in the Elkhart County Jail.

A faith based pregnancy and family resource center which provides free & confidential help.
World Missionary Press
An evangelical faith service ministry publishing Scripture booklets in more than 335 languages for free distribution around the world as God provides the means.

The Post
Mentoring middle school & high school students from the Goshen School District.

Destiny Rescue
We exist to rescue kids from sex trafficking and exploitation and help them stay free.

Our Daughters International
Exist to bring an end to human trafficking and to bring our daughters into safety.

Ribbon of Hope
Ribbon of Hope is committed to serving adult cancer patients at any stage of the disease. All services are offered free of charge as an expression of our relationship with God.

Missionaries We Support

Jeff & Jackie Benedict
Elkhart, IN
Son Set Solutions
Jim & Becky Carlton
Lima, Peru
Bibles International/Baptist Mid-Missions

Middle East
Team Expansion

Philip & Alana Carmichael
The Pines Christian Care Center for Children

Welkom, South Africa
Ambassadors International Ministries

Robert & Audrey Chestnut
Josiah Venture
Czech Republic
Paul & Carlene Eager
Lubin, Poland
SEND International
Richard & Adauta Eger
Anapolis, Brazil
New Tribes Mission

Joseph & Kimberly Frerichs
Lima Peru
Ambassadors Football.

Josh and Candace Gleason
Northern Indiana
Fellowship of Christian Athletes

Pastor Nelson Thomas



Dan & Anna Julian
European Christian Mission
Jeremy & Cindy Maller
Waxhaw, North Carolina
Wycliffe Bible Translators
Tim & Beth Mason
Elkhart, IN
SonSet Solutions
Bill & Katie Streeter
Papua New Guinea
New Tribes Mission