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More information will be coming soon on the Women’s Refresh event that will offer workshop opportunities to sign up for an area of interest.
Current Open Groups
Monday-Moms in Prayer
Starts 09/09 8:30am
Location – Room 207
Moms: Prayer is powerful, and God hears and cares about your prayers. A great way to start your week is to join a group of praying mamas of various ages who will support and encourage you through all stages of motherhood as we discuss Scripture and pray together.
Thursday Tabitha Circle
Starts Sept 5th 1:00pm
Location – Large Group Room
If you enjoy sewing, come to Tabitha Circle as we use the enjoyment of sewing to minister to others in our church and community.
Further instructions given after registration.
Thursday Mom's group
Starts Sept 12th 10:00am
Location – Large Group Room
Mamas and toddlers: Become a part of a supportive community, where moms can connect with other moms, and kids (age 0-5) can interact with one another. We’d love to see you in the large group preschool room every 2nd and 4th Thursday at 10am.
For more info, contact Katie Smith at (574) 971-1408